

Unit V. WA. The Vigilance Project

The Vigilance Project. For the assignment, we discuss The Vigilance Project case. The project was launched within the pharmaceutical company PharMed International, a merger of ValMed (Swiss-U.S.) and ParmCO (France), to keep records of drug performance. During the first year of implementation, some conflicts arose and froze the progress. The essay highlights the key obstacles …

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Unit V. DF. Collaborative Approach

Collaborative problem-solving Sometimes, people assume that a “Collaborative” approach to conflict resolution is better than other modes. Is this the case? Why or why not? Collaboration in the workplace is the most desirable scenario. It allows project invigoration and win-win resolution. The method is effective for complex tasks where the team needs to create more …

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Unit IV. WA. Communication

Breakthrough Improvement Plan Case For the assignment, we discuss a situation at a local processing plant where the leadership team is about to launch an improvement plan for invigorating mail sortation quality. First, I will analyze the communication issues that have occurred in the case; then observe channels of communication that managers missed; and finally, …

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Unit IV. DF. Organizational Communication

Some Practices of Communication From my perception, the communication topic is challenging because it involves many factors we previously discussed, such as attitude, perception, management, and organizational style. It also includes the environment, context, and goal of the communication itself. To make a successful connection, people have to deliver explicit content, set priorities, and respond …

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Unit III. Motivation. DF

Money, Motivation, and Management As we talk about motivation and money, let us think about what drives people to perform well; and the role of money in stimulating people to do their job. We discuss two opinions on the topic. First, Daniel Pink, an American author of the book “Drive,” helps us understand money’s place in …

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Unit II. DF. Perception

Managing Perception Contrary to common delusion, the reality is subjective. Thus, there are variations of how people see things that might cause misunderstanding. That is why managing perception in the workplace is essential for an organization. Let us take a closer look. First, PERCEPTION is a mental image used to interpret and understand information about …

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Unit I. DF. Hawthorne Effect

Hawthorne Effect or Micromanagement or Helicopter Parenting When the researcher conducts an intervention study (vs. observation study), the Hawthorne effect comes as an aspect to pay attention to. The phenomena describe the relationship between people’s awareness of being observed and their behavioral and productivity change – “subjects are always liable to modify behavior when they are …

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